# About me

Xin chào! This is Arris.
I was born in 1999 (now 24) and am a university student based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

As you may have guessed, Arris is not my real name. My full name is Lê Thị Thúy Hằng (in English order: Hang Thi-Thuy Le). However, I often get people struggling to pronounce my name, so if you are not familiar with the Vietnamese language, please just refer to me by my alias.

# Fields of interest

Currently, I am working towards my bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

Despite being active in one of the most heavily-theoretical field (in my opinion), I have found that I do better on tasks that require a lot of physical practice. And that was basically the main reason why my passion for another field of study was sparked - Robotics.

I have been spending most of my time in university self-teaching everything about robotics. I have participated in some school contests as well, together with friends from different engineering majors. (Pretty sad that I never got a chance to win any, but I absolutely adore every moment working in groups and having fun with them.)

I am also working as a spare-time artist under the alias "K". You may have seen me as "K" or one of my works (in terms of art) somewhere online.

# Technical skills

Written and verbal communication languages: English, plus a little bit of some other languages
Programming languages: C/C++, Python, Java, HTML/CSS/Javascript
Operating systems: Windows, Kali Linux
Softwares: Autodesk Fusion 360, KiCAD, Fritzing, etc

A Fusion 360 screenshot
One of my works in Fusion 360

# Positive and not-so-positive aspects

# What I am capable of
  • I have extensive experience working in groups as the leader and in teams as the team captain. I am adaptable to different personalities and am always willing to help others.
  • I control my temper very well and perform thoroughly under pressure.
  • My organizational skills allow me to always know where everything is. I am also able to keep track of multiple projects at once and prioritize my tasks efficiently.
  • Diligent work, a willingness to learn new things, and a constant drive for improvement are all qualities that I possess. When a new problem arises, I research and analyze the information until I am able to identify and implement a solution in a relatively short period of time.

I believe that my qualities would make me a positive contribution to any team.

# Something to concern about me

As mentioned in Preface, I was diagnosed with ADHD in early 2023 and am actively in professional medical treatment.

While overall functioning of my brain has improved since then, I still have to deal with the symptoms at every moment (only they are much easier to control) combining with side effects from my medication. Some of these characteristics are:

  • Extreme dehydration.
  • Time blindness.
  • Memory difficulties.
  • Unable to figure out any detail when looking at multiple different objects/text squeezed in the same small area. This may triggers my anxiety for some time.
  • Relative to the above: Unable to process if I was forced to listen to multiple sounds from different sources. However, I can distinguish sounds if they come from one source only (such as a recorded audio file).
  • Random unintentional pondering sessions.

However, I am aware of the challenges that ADHD can present in the workplace. Consequently, I have a number of creative strategies that I use to manage my symptoms and stay on track, such as:

  • I break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable subtasks. I then create a spinning wheel with the subtasks written on it and spin the wheel to randomly select one to work on.
  • I create a dedicated music playlist and race to finish my work before the music ends.
  • I often celebrate my accomplishments by taking a small break to do something enjoyable, whether it be by indulging in a small treat or doing something completely unrelated to my work, such as drawing or playing music.
  • I will always have some sort of alarm to remind me to take my medication or drink water.
  • In addition, I maintain a positive outlook on most situations. This helps me to stay motivated, which can be difficult at times. It also makes it easier for others to communicate with me, and it helps them to feel less burdened by my difficulties.

I am sharing this information so that you will not be taken aback if you observe me struggling with my symptoms. I am mindful of the fact that I can sometimes be fidgety or appear distracted, but I remain committed to doing my best. I appreciate your understanding and support.

# Miscellaneous

Despite my overall image, I am a longtime Hip-hop listener. Check out one of my favorites:

Credit: @transparent-angel on Tumblr