# Preface

Credit: @stardust-specks on Tumblr
Credit: stardust-specks on Tumblr

Odd was created by Arris (myself) as a personal portfolio to showcase some of my projects related to both Computer Science and Robotics.
As the name suggests - Odd, this site is quite a haven for the strange and unusual.

About me My projects Contact Development notices

I reaaaaally hope I could get an internship somewhere in the industry :<

# But why so many details?

As a neurodivergent, specifically ADHD which can be briefly described as "attention difficulty", I have spent most of my life struggling with knowledge acquisition and retrieve. When compelled to contend with various distractions, it is way too challenging to follow all the bouncing balls in a procedure to be able to extract the most salient information. For individuals with cognitive disorders like mine, note-taking skills and knowledge base management with the help of assistive software are considered necessary.

Hence, this dedicated documentation site is a way for me to preserve my knowledge and experience, and to disseminate it to others.

Particularly, in project-based learning, documentation is an essential tool to optimize future engineering projects. Relying solely on memory to get work done can lead to forgetting important steps, such as creating backup files or editing certain points. Through thorough documentation of the process, it becomes easy to refer back and avoid getting lost or distracted. By providing a guide, one can follow the instructions to ensure consistent and predictable outcomes every time. This not only saves time and prevents frustration, but also provides a clear record of what has been done, which is beneficial for revisiting a project later or handing it off to someone else. Proper documentation also enables identification of areas for improvement and refining the process over time with confidence.

Personal note space I used in my lastest project - Submarine
Personal note space I used in my lastest project Submarine.

In other words, maintaining the habit of recapitulate everything in as much detail as possible helps ensure expectations, promotes uniformity, and provides a legacy. Therefore, lead to more successful and efficient projects.

I hope this documentation site will be a valuable resource for anyone interested - especially my fellow Vietnamese young lads who are just starting out. I believe that Computer Science, as well as Robotics, are fascinating and rewarding fields, and I want to help others discover the joy of creation, so they can use their skills to make a positive impact on the world.

# Site development

The site was generated with Retype - a text-based static website generator. All pages was written in Markdown. This really helps optimizing my time to focus on the detail rather than desperately trying to develop everything from scratch. My best regards to the developers for such a free yet so useful and really easy to use tool.

For an even more authentic retro experience, I applied some pixelated components from NES.css. I sincerely appreciate their dedication in developing this beautiful collection and bringing it to the public.

# Indexing structure

You might notice the way I organize the pages - each has its own unique ID number. This method is called Johnny.Decimal. It is a simple yet effective system to keep everything in control.

Credit: @transparent-angel on Tumblr